Catlateral Damage Game Review

Catlateral damage is a first-person (Well, more like first-cat) view game. The game is quite a simple game. In fact, it’s very similar to other first-person games you probably have played, except the fact this isn’t a bloody or shooting sort of a game. Basically, you are a cat. A

Catlateral Damage homepage

Catlateral Damage homepage

house cat. Your goal is to destroy as many things around the house, within a limited time. All you basically do is throw and hit things around the house, and destroy as many things as you are able to gain points. It’s really great, and a good stress reliever!

There are three options in the game as you can see; Time Attack, Time Trial, and Free mode. In Time Attack mode, you get two minutes to destroy as many things as you can, and gain as many points as possible. Destroying the television gets you 200 points, throwing things on the floor gets you 15, etc, etc. In the Time Trial mode, you have to get 150,000 points as fast as you can. The faster, the better. My personal favourite; the Free Mode, is the mode where you can be a cat forever, roam around, explore, and do whatever.

Me as the cat, attempting to hit the objects in front of me.

Me as the cat, attempting to hit the objects in front of me.

I really like hitting the television onto the floor; its one of the first objects I aim to destroy. It’s huge, and when it falls they have sort of a smokey, broken effect. You can also open a door, and enter other rooms (although some rooms might be hard to open, for you have to climb on things and open the doorknob). The graphics aren’t the best, but the important thing is that it’s fun.There are no points and no time limit, so you are free to do whatever you please.

I really like the game, it’s a very enjoyable game to pass the time. The game is free to download and play as well. You can play it online here, but I prefer the downloaded version since it’s full screen and you get the full experience of being a cat (To download the game, go to the online link. On the sidebar there are three options; Linux, Windows, and Mac).

Thanks for reading my first game review, I’m going to be updating more game reviews (I suppose) in the future. Hope you all enjoyed this one.

– Mint