A new look.

Just updated the blog’s theme. It’s quite swell isn’t it? Trying out a new look, from SemPress to Truly Minimal. I might change it back, if I ever feel like it, of course. Or maybe switch to a whole new theme completely. It’s just that I’m still figuring things out. WordPress does have pretty nice themes. In fact, the ones that are premium are the best themes I’ve ever seen in a long while. Some like Lens, Tuned Balloon and many other wordpress premium themes are superb. But however, there are also some themes that I think are pretty nifty as well (And the best part– They’re free!).

I’m a graphic designer (or so Screen Shot 2557-03-27 at 7.03.25 PMI like to call myself as one), and I like to do minimalistic designs. Y’know, those designs without the lines, just colours that contrast each other and help form different shapes and things. So I simply am just attracted to designs that are obviously simple, and minimalistic. I’ve probably had just taken an interest in minimalism very recently, because when I was younger I really, simply loved the theme “Freshy”. I’d use it for all my blogs. And if you are wondering, I’ve been on WordPress around… Four? Five years? Somewhere around that.

One of the downsides though, to the free WordPress system, is that we aren’t able to edit the css of themes, or customize them at all. Apparently, I also have a tumblr which I use for goofing off and re-blogging various Japanese cartoon-related things, and many other things I personally think are hilarious. Tumblr allows us to create our own themes, and with the help of html, we can edit our own tumblr blog theme to be whatever we desire. I am currently using a theme made by tumblr user toukos, and I love it. (I’m not going to post my tumblr link here though, I think its better off that way.)

Anyways, to sum it all up, I really think WordPress should be able to let us make our own themes with the free WordPress; it would let our blogs all each a little bit more unique from one another. Thanks for reading!

– Mint

Side note: My friend KK has started his own blog as well, you should all check it out, maybe. 

Edit: I also made a new header for the blog! Hope you guys enjoy.